Uniting streets in prayer
It’s a great joy to find Christians who live near to you, to combat lonliness, to strengthen community and uplift one another in Christ Jesus.
Our mission is to unite you with other believing neighbours in prayer. Our unity is based on our belief in Jesus Christ and His New Testament, and the Old Testament as interpreted by Him. All believers together as one praying for the community.
Changing the streets is possible. It starts with 2 -3
It’s a great joy to find Christians who life nearby. For people who’ve just moved into the area it’s a chance to get to know their Christian neighbours. For students it’s also a great way of linking with the neighbourhood…
Help us build bridges
Streetprayer is a registered charity* and voluntary organisation with no paid workers. However, the expenses for publicity and holding events are considerable. A big thank you to all who have donated already. If you would like to help clear this and work towards a surplus for future events, your support would be greatly appreciated. For streetprayer to grow faster, you could also consider regular monthly donations.

I really enjoy meeting new people at the street breakfasts, it's refreshing and is creating a more caring community based on helping each other.
— Steve Gibbs